python 1.6a2 and openssl

Thomas Wouters thomas at
Thu May 18 04:01:36 EDT 2000

On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 05:20:20PM -0700, Paul Schreiber wrote:
> To install openssl support,

> (1) what options, if any, are specified with ./configure?

None, at least not for openssl support.

> (2) in Modules/Setup, there are commented-out lines dealing with the
> location of SSL files.

> What should I put there? or will it get uncommented by doing something in
> (1)?

Nope, you have to uncomment by hand (configure doesn't even touch Setup, in
fact... The initial file is named only so that your local
modifications do not get overwritten by newer versions of the file.) The
directory should point to where your openssl directory lives. By default,
this is /usr/local/ssl, with the 'include' and 'lib' directory containing
ssl-specific files. I dont know where the debian package installs it, but
the redhat-contrib openssl RPM installs it differently: the includes in
/usr/include/openssl, the libs in /usr/lib, which means you have to edit the
line to something like this:

socket socketmodule.c -DUSE_SSL -I/usr/include/openssl -lssl -lcrypto

Adjust the -I line to the directory where your openssl includes live (adding
more if you aren't sure which directory is the right one), and if the
libraries (libssl.a,*, libcrypto.*) aren't in a default library
path, add a -L<directory> line pointing to the right library directory. You
might have to fool around until you find the right one, though. If you get a
message about not being able to find ssl.h, the include path (-I) is wrong,
and if you get an error about unresolved symbols the library path (-L) is

> I am running debian linux kernel 2.2.15, and I have debian packages installed
> for openssl 0.9.4-5, libssl 0.9.4-5, and libssl-dev 0.9.4-5.

Thomas Wouters <thomas at>

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