How python development is speedy!

Bruce Dodson bruce_dodson.nospam at
Mon May 15 18:24:58 EDT 2000

To me, it's "something else".  I can write a simple function more or less
just as quickly in C++ and Python.  The Python version might be 10 lines and
the C++ might be a few lines longer due to things like variable declarations
and closing braces, but they would take just as long to write.  However,
when you get to debugging, or integrating a number of larger modules
together it's Python all the way... Things like the interactive mode and the
reload function give Python definite advantages in allowing you to edit and
debug modules within a running program.  (This is one of the hallmarks of VB
as well, although in VB there are some limits, e.g. you can't change
function signatures at run time, and have to quit the debugger in order to


Sunil Hadap <Sunil.Hadap at> wrote in message
news:391FFDB5.FC9A85CA at
> Hello,
> I use Python,I don't know Java. I am just curious, people keep
> reporting that Python is very fast in development as compared to Java
> and C++. Is this because of language feature or because of reduced
> compile-run-debug cycle, or something else!
> When I look at my Python code, I see little difference in terms of
> development efficiency as compared to C++ when used with STL and other
> good libraries. Does the higher types such as lists and tuples make
> Python so powerful, after all C++ had all that.
> Sunil
> --
> "Live as if you would die tomorrow,
> learn as if you would live forever."
>                     --Mahatma Gandhi

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