NaN again - and IEEE arithmatics

Huaiyu Zhu hzhu at
Fri May 12 15:28:07 EDT 2000

Sometime ago I asked about reading back from a file containing arrays with
NaN as elements.  Someone kindly suggested

>>> from math import exp
>>> NaN = exp(1000)/exp(1000)
>>> NaN

However this breaks in 1.6 (or maybe because it is installed on another

>>> import math
>>> NaN = math.exp(1000) / math.exp(1000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  OverflowError: math range error

Any suggestion of how to deal with it in this case?  Is there a generic way?

If I understand correctly, NaN is a standard feature in IEEE floating point
arithmatics.  So why isn't there a predefined class or object for NaN?  It
might go into the math or Numeric module, I think.


Huaiyu Zhu                               hzhu at

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