
Philippe Possemiers philippe.possemiers at the-ecorp.com
Mon Jun 26 03:52:46 EDT 2000

Hello all,

I'm sure this question is rather simple to solve, but I haven't found a
good solution yet. I'm writing a small application in python which needs
Internet access at a certain moment.
My platform is Linux and I use a modem to dial my ISP. Therefore, I use
os.exec* in my script to activate /etc/ppp/ppp-on. The question is : how
do I return to my python script? From the moment I call 'ppp-on', I seem
to lose all control and cannot return to the python interpreter.
Apparently, what I need (I think) is something like os.spawnv to spawn a
new process, and execute the ppp script in that process but this is only
available in Windows....
I would appreciate any help or pointers to a solution.

Philippe Possemiers

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