looking for python object debugging hints

Alex cut_me_out at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 31 13:33:39 EDT 2000

> Here are some of the ideas I have:
>   1. Build a statically linked Python executable and completely
>      avoid the whole problem.

I do this, and it works pretty well.  I have a script that goes over my
development directory, copies across any file matching *module.c into
the python Modules/ directory if there isn't already an up-to-date copy
there, modifies the Setup file if necessary, does a 'make; make
bininstall' in the python directory, and filters the output from that so
that only lines matching one of the copied files gets printed.  It's as
easy to use as make, most of the time, except that you have to go back
and look at the entire make output if there's a linking error.


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