not stopping til it works

walter hanagriff walter111 at
Sun Jul 30 04:14:59 EDT 2000

before i go on, one thing to say, i do not have the money to buy a book
right now, otherwise i would, it would be great to actually be able to
read a good tutorial on tkinter at almost any price, just saying since i
did get that suggestion once
i have tried so many ways to get what i want to work, and getting
nowhere, its definitely not from lack of trying and patience that keeps
me asking the same questions, though if i ever get these 2 answered it
will be all for awhile i am sure
i wont give up though so i have simplified the problem as much as
possible, the only problems so far that i know of
i have these 2 entry fields, how do i get any info that a person puts
into them
i tried using textvariable but i cant get it to work, and i tried using
the get method with entry widget, but neither of these 2 things work

next, how do i get that info to work with the pow() function, ex. the
user inputs 3 in box 1 and 2 in box 2, i get those numbers and show on
the screen this:
first entry, " to the power of ", second entry, " = ", first
entry**second entry
actually it should look like this, "3 to the power of 2 = 9"
i next want it so that when pressed, button will make this info appear
in the frame
or any better ideas for showing the answer?
unfortunately i can do very little testing to see how to make the button
work since i have a hard enough time getting there because of the first
problem, but in test i have given predefined numbers to print out and
tried using the button to show them and i tried not packing the label
til i pressed button, or tried calling a def when i press button but no
matter what the label prints out along with entry fields, before i even
press the button and pressing button does nothing, when i dont even get
an error from something

def power(self, frame):
    Entry(frame, width = 10).pack()
    Entry(frame, width = 10).pack()
    Button(frame, text = 'Get answer').pack(side = LEFT)

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