proposal: accessor methods

Paul Prescod paul at
Fri Jul 14 16:38:02 EDT 2000

Michal Wallace wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was just wondering if anyone else would find this useful:

Yes, accessor methods have been proposed many times and many people
would find them useful.Python very recently got a formal proposal
mechanism for ideas like this which come up over and over and over
again. That way pros and cons can be collected once and for all rather
than over and over. If you (or anyone out there) want to do a formal
Python Enhancement Proposal for accessor methods, contact me and I'll
point you to the right format.

Either an implementing patch or at least a suggestion of a good way to
implement it would also improve the likelihood of adoption.

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
It's difficult to extract sense from strings, but they're the only
communication coin we can count on. 

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