Sound module question

pehr anderson pehr at
Wed Jul 12 01:51:31 EDT 2000

I've started mucking around with sound and have
seen the os.system command work well for most of my needs.

import os
os.system("esdplay file.wav")

Redhat and Gnome like to use the Enlightenment sound daemon.
NOTE: It isn't always started by default.
To start the daemon just run "esd" as the user (you don't need to be
The RPM included with Redhat-6.2 is esound-0.2.17-2.i386.rpm 

I've upgraded my system with Helix gnome so my esound rpm is

Esound includes the the "esdctl" command to cache wav files 
for quick playback or looping. If you run these through os.system
that should be fast enough for most of your needs. I'm sure there
are better ways to talk to the esound daemon, but this was *very* easy.

Here is the help for esdctl:

[pehr at morseall pehr]$ esdctl 
esdctl error (1):  command line - not enough arguments
esdctl [options] [command]

-s, --server=host:port        contact esd server on host at port

lock                          foreign clients may not use the server
unlock                        foreign clients may use the server
standby, off                  suspend sound output for other programs
resume, on                    resume sound output
cache sample                  cache a sample in the server
getid name                    retrieve a sample id from its name
free name                     uncache a sample in the server
play name                     play a cached sample once
loop name                     make a cached sample loop
stop name                     stop the looping sample at end
serverinfo                    get server info from server
allinfo                       get player and sample info from server
panstream <id> <left> <right> set panning for a stream
pansample <id> <left> <right> set default panning for a sample
                              - left/right pan values scaled to 256.
standbymode                   see if server's on standby, etc.

Aaron Berg wrote:
> I started programming python a few months ago and I am still learning.
> Does anyone know of a sound module for simple reading and writing of
> sound in linux? I know there is a win32 sound module and there is one
> for SGI but is there one for linux? oss or alsa... I don't know much
> about this issue so it is possible i am just looking in the wrong place.
> Thanks,
> Aaron

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