Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up

Paul Prescod paul at
Mon Jul 17 14:08:52 EDT 2000

"G. David Kuhlman" wrote:
> ...
> Now, I ask you, what other scripting language would enable me to
> support that breadth of users? Incredible.

IMHO, the ability to crawl into niches is the feature that makes
Python's ascendency inevitable. Any particular "killer app" could die
and the others will carry it forward. Any particular operating system
could die and Python would thrive on the remaining ones. (in fact the
(unlikely) death of Windows would drive VB programmers into Python's
arms and the (equally unlikely) death of Unix would drive Perl users to
Python) I think Python is a very safe bet, even compared to more
established languages.

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
It's difficult to extract sense from strings, but they're the only
communication coin we can count on. 

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