The State of Python

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Fri Jul 28 02:35:20 EDT 2000

>>>>> "CL" == Chris Lawrence <quango at> writes:

    CL> FWIW, if the license is incompatible with the GPL, we'll end
    CL> up with another license pissing contest like the GPL/QPL one.
    CL> It might lead to trouble with distributing binaries of the
    CL> readline module, for example.  I hope BeOpen and/or CNRI are
    CL> keeping RMS in the loop on this one, as I think that was the
    CL> problem that led to the neverending QPL squabble.

As primary maintainer of the GPL'd Python application Mailman, I am
acutely aware of the importance of GPL compatibility, and I know Guido
and others at BeOpen are too.

Without GPL compatibility, Mailman could never rely on any feature or
patch after the Python 1.6alpha2 release.


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