COM object with events and GUI update

Wolfgang Thaemelt wolfgang.thaemelt at
Tue Jul 25 23:14:18 EDT 2000

I am using a COM object that fires events. Data I received in the event handler
should be used to update a Tcl/Tk GUI.

To do this I use the following code structure:

events = [list_with_event_information]

class ORSSystemEvents: # event handler
    def OnChanged(self, ChangeType):
       global events
       events.append("ORSSystem OnChanged event " + str(len(events)))

def update():                     # update main window  - show event info
    global events, ...

    # prepare data for GUI from events list
    root.after(500, update)

ident   = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents("ORS.Ident",ORSIdentEvents)

# build GUI

root.after(500, update)

This code works but seems to be a bit dangerous.

Is there a way to update the GUI directly from the OnChanged event handler? All
my attempts to do this failed.

Can I avoid the use of the after(...) method?

Is there some extended documentation about event firing and handling available?

Thanks for help.

Wolfgang Thaemelt

OR Soft Jaenicke GmbH
Geusaer Str., FH Geb. 106
06217 Merseburg
Email: wolfgang.thaemelt at
Voice: +49-3461-549033
Fax:   +49-3461-549022

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