Python CGI security

Michael Ströder michael at
Mon Jul 3 02:47:47 EDT 2000

"E. Jordan Bojar" wrote:
> I'm interested in running a series of Python scripts via the Apache Python
> module, mostly for dynamic content but possibly for password protection as
> well.  Are there security issues particular to (or common with) Python 
> CGIs,
> in the way that buffer overflow is so common to poorly-written Perl?

I tried to raise this topic here a couple of weeks ago but NO
RESPONSE! Afterwards I started a similar thread in (german newsgroup). Regarding Python code a
guy mentioned that your Python code should avoid eval() and exec().

I'm not a C programmer at all and therefore I just naively used a
tool named ITS4: <URL:> to find parts
in the Python interpreter which might have buffer overrun issues. I
would really like to have some discussion about the ITS4-output.

Ciao, Michael.

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