Perl is worse!

Steve Lamb grey at
Fri Jul 28 21:09:33 EDT 2000

On 28 Jul 2000 20:49:20 -0400, David Bolen <db3l at> wrote:
>It's really easy to gloss over this with the basic object types since in many
>respects they behave much as other languages in common sorts of operations,
>but it can lead to confusion when the simpler view starts to break down.  I
>don't know that this explains all that much discussed in this thread, but
>there have been various points where I think it's just an issue of the Perl
>and Python approaches being quite different under the covers even though they
>may appear very close superficially.  Getting past that mental hurdle (as far
>as understanding, not putting any good/bad slant on it) might significantly
>shrink your current store of Python behaviors you consider "quirks".

    I just wanted to quote this paragraph because it so neatly sums up the
whoe subset of the thread that I have been a part of (created?).  I think
you're dead on on all points in it and agree completely.  

>Well, besides being impressed that you're keeping it up this long, and
>without trying to sound condescending, I'm enjoying seeing how your
>examples are exposing what learned traits/visualizations from using
>Perl so much.  I hope that you still give Python some time and
>experimentation, as you may find yourself forming new opinions :-)

    I'm really trying not to.  I know some things slip through since my normal
style is rather, uhm, strong, but the reception has been, for the most part,
quite nice and I do try to keep the tone in the same manner given.  I am going
to stick with Python for a while.  I've been looking at it for a few months,
attended both classes at the O'Reilly conference and as a result of those
classes decided to get the Beazley book instead of the O'Reilly book and have
enjoyed thumping my head against Python.  I think part of it is because I've
finally gotten to a point in my programming (scripting, whatever) where I can
now shift into a language instead of /learn/ a language.  I had a positive
experience with some Javascript I had to code for work even though I never
even tried Javascript before and now a positive experience with Python.

    To be honest right now my script is sitting, still testing the base class,
which worked with the basic form of dice but doesn't take the extended form.
I need to go in and rework the regex (trying to avoid two calls) to accept
both in one pass.  Once I get that done I'll have the base class defined and
will move on to creating different classes from that one to do different types
of rolls.  Main reason why I decided to port this script over to Python from
Perl was that I could easily visualize a real-world structure to learn OO
programming as opposed to functional through classes.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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