The State of Python

Guido van Rossum guido at
Thu Jul 27 11:39:53 EDT 2000

m.faassen at (Martijn Faassen) writes:

> Ah, good, I was hoping for some clarification. I couldn't keep track of
> the soap very well; who had died, who had returned with memory loss,
> who's a good guy, who's a bad guy, if the blind guy will be 
> miraculously healed, will the marriage succeed, and what version numbers
> they all have. And why.

Actually, it was all a bad dream, and the regular Python development
activities will be back when I wake up.  But it feels like I've been
in this dream for *months* now... :-)

> Some hinting as to the 'why' of this confusion in your future announcement
> would be useful too.

Sorry, but I really can't help you there.  The decision to change the
license was made by CNRI, and I can't speak for them.  It would be
good to request an independent explanation from CNRI, rather than
expect me to guess what their motivations are.  (I would hope that
bitterness about our group leaving CNRI was *not* among those.)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:

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