Socket question: arbitrary port

Jonathan Giddy jon at
Sun Jul 30 23:04:09 EDT 2000

] >On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jean Bergeron wrote:
] >
] >> Is it possible to connect a socket through an arbitrary port?
] >> In other words, can Python find an available port without having the
] >> programmer (or user) specify a particular port number?
] >> 

So far, the answers have focussed on whether you mean to bind a socket 
(server) or to connect a socket (client).

Assuming you mean to bind a server socket, try calling bind() with the 
port = 0.

This code will setup a listening socket on an arbitrary port:

import socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('', 0))
print sock.getsockname()[1]

conn, addr = sock.accept()


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