Palm Python?

Blake Winton bwinton at
Fri Jul 7 23:38:03 EDT 2000

On 07 Jun 2000 11:29:43 +0200, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
>Jason Petrone <jp at> writes:
>In my experience LispMe is the best on-board development system as far
>as system integration is concerned. The only drawback is that it's
>Lisp! I'd prefer Forth as a language, but development with
>QuartusForth is just too messy; every time you start the interpreter
>you have to reload all your definitions. And of course I'd *really*
>prefer Python...

As would I, but in the meantime, I've contented myself with OnBoardC.

But man, is my C ever rusty.  "How do you pass a function pointer?"
"Why can't I name two functions the same when they're in different
files, and I only use them in their respective files?"  Too used to
OO, I guess.

Oh, yeah, and having the Palm Keyboard helps a lot, too...

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