Perl is worse! (was: Python is Wierd!)

Karl Ulbrich kulbrich at
Fri Jul 28 02:26:38 EDT 2000

> >Reasonable enough.  Though you're not populating a list with a single
> >nothing; you're making an empty list.  OTOH, by the logic below, why
> >not [None] instead of []?
>     Why not indeed?  Something other than an error is expected.

No -- if you find that both are possible (and have very-different
meanings) then it's ambiguous, and apart from other issues, 
should raise an error (Python *hates* ambiguous).

	[] is an empty list.
	[ None ] is a single element list with a None obj as the 1st elem.

And while I'm at it, another way to make a single element list:


More-useful if you need to start with an empty list:

	x = []
and later append to it:


Karl, staying outta the rest of it.

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