ADO 2.5 connection problem

Geoff Talvola gtalvola at
Wed Jul 19 12:25:17 EDT 2000

Dale Strickland-Clark wrote:

> I've just knocked up a JavaScript equivalent of this as a Windows Scripting
> Component and it works a treat.
> Is it me or is Python Win32Com doing something stupid?

Both :-)  You need to use rs.Open, not  Case matters.  The error
message is about as misleading as can be, though.

Incidentally, I use the following to create a connection to an Access db:

      db = win32com.client.Dispatch("ADODB.Connection")
      db.Mode = win32com.client.constants.adModeReadWrite   # if we want to be
able to write
      db.Provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51'

I don't know if there are any advantages or disadvantages compared to what
you're doing, but who knows, it may help you out somewhere down the road to know
this method...


- Geoff Talvola
  Parlance Corporation
  gtalvola at

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