Matlab vs Python (was RE: Discussion: Introducing new operators for matrix computation)

Paul Prescod paul at
Tue Jul 18 15:24:30 EDT 2000

John Lull wrote:
> By that reasoning, cryptography ought not be part of the standard
> distribution, either.  Nor should complex numbers.

We aren't talking about the standard distribution. We're talking about
the language syntax. If many matrix-people wanted matrices in the
standard library, it would probably be there. Cryptography required no
new syntax and complex numbers required very little. There is already
more syntax in the core language for matrices than for complex numbers.

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
Just how compassionate can a Republican get before he has to leave the 
GOP and join Vegans for Global Justice? ... One moment, George W. Bush
is holding a get-to-know-you meeting with a bunch of gay Republicans.
The next he is holding forth on education or the environment ... It is
enough to make a red-blooded conservative choke on his spotted-owl
drumstick.     - April 29th, Economist

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