Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up

Cees de Groot cg at
Wed Jul 26 13:45:59 EDT 2000

David Arnold  <davida at> said:
>it's impressive how much hype can be generated for a product that is
>still years away from general release ;-)
...and is soooo innovative that it does exactly the same thing as Java
and the JVM, only five years later and at the vaporware stage. There's
only one company that can pull this off, and I sincerely hope they'll
choke in it this time.

(, support /that/ many
stuff on your little VM, M$).

... happily going back to Java, Python, SmallTalk, Scheme, XML and whatnot
on top of HotSpot...,


Cees de Groot          <cg at>
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