Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up

David Arnold arnold at
Tue Jul 25 23:57:38 EDT 2000

-->"Alex" == Alex Martelli <alex at> writes:

  Alex> since IL does not support multiple inheritance of
  Alex> implementation, which full Eiffel wants; dunno what Python
  Alex> .NET will do about that).

urk!  is that true?  mark?  is this an issue for Python/IL ?

  Alex> CRL (or CLR or whatever the correct acronym happens to be) is
  Alex> a Microsoft-proprietary thing; I doubt it will be available
  Alex> for non-MS platforms,

i've heard (from reasonable sources) that porting IL is pretty simple,
and these sources have seen it running on unix, etc.

  Alex> Presumably things will be a little better when Visual Studio
  Alex> .NET's first beta appears (currently, only a pre-beta of it is
  Alex> yet around).

it's impressive how much hype can be generated for a product that is
still years away from general release ;-)


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