Perl is worse!

Grant Edwards nobody at nowhere.nohow
Fri Jul 28 21:34:58 EDT 2000

In article <slrn8o449h.49c.grey at>, Steve Lamb wrote:

>    Neither cruel or jest.  I consider "Automagic" coversion on the same vein
>as "Winblows".

I've never thought "automagical" was derogitory.  Rather it describes
something that is done using contextual information and heuristic rules to
"guess" at what should be done when there less information that might be
needed to do something determinstically.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I don't know WHY I
                                  at               said that... I think it
                                 came from the FILLINGS inmy
                                                   read molars...

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