Random number generation, simple question.

Reini Urban rurban at sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
Mon Jul 3 23:52:50 EDT 2000

jhylton at my-deja.com wrote:
>I recommend looking at the Yarrow design by Kelsey, Schneier, and
>Ferguson:  http://www.counterpane.com/yarrow.html

If it comes to critical or important data I would NEVER rely on any PRNG
("pseudo is pseudo and never truly random") instead of some
inpredictable hardware noise. There were some C libs around dealing with
some special PC timer chips which can be abused for exactly that.

such as the linux /dev/random pseudodevice or 
truerand.c "Physically random numbers (very nearly uniform)"
by D. P. Mitchell, AT&T. 
This is portable. But I know only the perl Math::TrueRandom module.
Reini Urban

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