Python is wierd!

Cees de Groot cg at
Tue Jul 25 16:55:39 EDT 2000

ye, wei <yw at> said:
>> 1. There are no keywords to declare static or instance variables; it
>> all depends where they are placed(whether it's right after the <class>
>> statement, or inside a <def>). Isn't it harder for other programmers to
>> know at one glance what type of attributes the class define?
>This is what I couldn't tolerate as well!!
>I'm the same guy is looking for another new language, my path
>is C/C++->Java->PHP->Perl.
Intolerable is a strong word. I've yet to have a problem with this, because
it almost never goes wrong in real life (maybe during a code/test iteration,
but it's not problematic at run-time). Typo's only slip through if you
do a wrong assignment (e.g. "Foo = 1" and "foo = 2"). In an OO system, 
variables typically have a very limited scope, are qualified by classnames
and therefore tend to be shorter, largely alleviating the problem procedural
languages have with undeclared variables.

>I'm the same frustrated as you about the Perl/Java and now Python,
>Java is a good language, however it's not open language. 
Could you elaborate? It seems quite open to me. Even the GNU project
accepts Java software, nowadays.

>Perl has some
>language deficients as well. Python is so loose for type checking. However
>today I just read the Perl6 vision, it makes me very exciting -
Depends what you define as a) "a type", and b) "type checking" for Python. It
also assumes that an absense of whatever you define under b) is a
disadvantage, but there are more languages that employ the same kind of
type checking (Smalltalk, to name one) and are quite succesful. It's
different, but it works.

>It also will bring some python's features into Perl.  :)
But it'll always stay a write-only language.

Cees de Groot          <cg at>
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