New PEP: Attribute Access Handlers

Greg Ewing see at my.signature
Tue Jul 25 01:37:11 EDT 2000

Paul Prescod wrote:
> __getattr__ will also take longer to get to until today.

But using __getattr__ is so horribly inefficient anyway, I don't
think anyone will notice.

> Okay, so let's say I have a get function but no set function. Won't the
> very first "set" put a variable in the dictionary so that future "gets"
> will fail according to the algorithm you described?

Doesn't that happen now if you have a __getattr__ but
no __setattr__? If it's a problem in a given case, the
solution would seem to be to provide a set method.
("Don't do that, then!")

The opposite situation -- a set method but no get
method -- is probably going to be more common, and
will work correctly (provided the implementation
doesn't purloin the dict slot for the attribute name

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, University of Canterbury,	  
Christchurch, New Zealand
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