Anyone used Python for GPIB instrument control?

Robert Kern kern at
Sat Jul 8 23:26:20 EDT 2000

europax at wrote:
> I think I am going to get a C compiler for work where we use NT.  At
> home here I use Linux and don't want to eat up my hard drive with
> Windoze stuff (I have Windows 3.1, though since it is so small)
> I saw that Borland is selling a CD with Turbo C, Turbo C++,etc for about
> $60.  Thats a pretty good deal.  I also found some free WIN32
> compilers.  One based on the GNU gcc and it has an IDE called Rhine.

To toot my own horn a little, you can use gcc (for the mingw target) to 
compile Python extensions that are binary-compatible with the released 
Python executable.


If you can spare the disk space, I recommend installing Cygwin 
( ) to give you a UNIX-ish 
environment, and then install the mingw compiler.  If you're into
IDEs, there is a listing available at

Happy hunting.

> Rob.


Robert Kern
kern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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