Extending PythonWin

Neil Hodgson neilh at scintilla.org
Wed Jul 12 07:59:08 EDT 2000

> 2. Make some system so that users could make small scripts/modules
> appear in the menues etc. I`d like to have a code revision system for
> instance, and if there were a simple way of making modules available
> from inside PythonWin, this could be done in a snap. ( For experienced
> programmers that is. ;-> )

   You can add items to the Tools menu.

   In regedit, find (substituting your version of Python for 1.6)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Python 1.6\Python for Win32\Tools Menu
   There is a list of numbered keys.
   Create a new key one larger than the last.
   Change the (Default) value of this key to the name you want as the
   Add a "Command" string value to the key.
   Edit the value of the Command value to be some arbitrary Python code.
Remember ';' can be used to separate multiple statements.
   Start PythonWin and the new command will be present in the Tools menu.
   There is also a GUI for this in the Tools Menu pane of the Options Dialog
but it doesn't always work.


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