Static member variables

Johannes Zellner johannes at
Sun Jul 9 15:07:00 EDT 2000

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000, Thomas Svensson wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a way of declaring static (and constant) member variables in
> classes? I have a member variable that should be unique for each class
> type and thus should not waste memory for each instance of the class I
> create. Something like the __doc__ string I guess.

const is not possible, it's up to you not to modify your variables.
static is possible see this example. The class variable (static in
C++ jargon) is named with the class name: `Fred.count'

class Fred:
    count = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Fred.count = Fred.count + 1
    def instances(self):
        return Fred.count

x = Fred()
print x.instances()
y = Fred()
print x.instances()
z = Fred()
print x.instances()


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