Microsoft's C# (Sharp) & .NET -- A Heads Up

"Jürgen A. Erhard" jae at
Wed Jul 26 15:11:46 EDT 2000

>>>>> "Cees" == Cees de Groot <cg at> writes:

    Cees> David Arnold  <davida at> said:
    >> it's impressive how much hype can be generated for a product that is
    >> still years away from general release ;-)
    Cees> ...and is soooo innovative that it does exactly the same thing as Java
    Cees> and the JVM, only five years later and at the vaporware stage. There's
    Cees> only one company that can pull this off, and I sincerely hope they'll
    Cees> choke in it this time.

Well, not to mention that Java is *sooo* innovative... compared to the
UCSD p-System.  ;-)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: jae at      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
          My WebHome:
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                Linus brought you the whole DAMN HOUSE!
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