Python bug reporting [was: Re: readline.c & more]

Skip Montanaro skip at
Fri Jul 7 11:57:15 EDT 2000

    François> There are plenty of users, and a much smaller bunch of
    François> maintainers.  It seems more fit to me to adapt to the plenty
    François> of users, than force all of them into the methods of a few.


While based on sheer numbers, there are clearly many more users than
maintainers, it's the maintainers that fix things, so they need to be able
to work efficiently.  The number of people with checkin privilege to the
Python CVS tree (currently 20, scattered around the globe) makes it all but
impossible to manually manage change requests and patch submissions.

Under the old system, the number of patches that were falling through the
cracks was far too high.  The SourceForge patch manager and bug manager
aren't perfect, but they provide the Python maintainers with a system that
allows them to much more easily see what's outstanding and what's been taken
care of.  They need to add an email submission mechanism.  I suspect that
will happen in time.  If you forward your request to me I will add submit
the request on your behalf.

Skip Montanaro, skip at,,
"To get what you want you must commit yourself for sometime" - fortune cookie

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