iterating over lines in a file

Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Thu Jul 20 16:03:46 EDT 2000

* Remco Gerlich <scarblac-spamtrap at> menulis:
| > 
| > The easiest way:
| > 
| > for line in file.readlines():
| >     block
| But that would read the whole thing into memory, and he doesn't want that.
| Wouldn't an xreadlines() method on file objects be cool?

readlines() has an optional argument which specifies the approximate
number of bytes to read in at a time, rather than the entire file.
So something like

for line in file.readlines(8192):
    # process line

would only use about 8k of memory.

cliff crawford    -><-
                          Synaesthesia now!            icq 68165166

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