iterating over lines in a file

Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Fri Jul 21 16:32:29 EDT 2000

* David Bolen <db3l at> menulis:
| > readlines() has an optional argument which specifies the approximate
| > number of bytes to read in at a time, rather than the entire file.
| > So something like
| > 
| > for line in file.readlines(8192):
| >     # process line
| > 
| > would only use about 8k of memory.
| And only fully process files less than 8K in size.  The call to
| file.readlines(8192) returns the list of lines contained within the
| first 8K of the file (approximately), and that's all the 'for' is
| going to iterate over.  You have to repeatedly call file.readlines()
| again to keep reading the file, which puts you pretty much back in the
| original readline() mode, just with bigger chunks.

That doesn't seem to be true--readlines() reads the whole file whether
you specify a size argument or not.  For example:

>>> f=open("file.txt")
>>> size=0  
>>> for line in f.readlines():
...     size=size+len(line)
>>> size
>>> f.close()
>>> f=open("file.txt")
>>> size=0
>>> for line in f.readlines(512):
...     size=size+len(line)
>>> size

cliff crawford    -><-
                          Synaesthesia now!            icq 68165166

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