Newbies trying to do a build script

Matthew Cline matt at
Tue Jul 18 22:43:10 EDT 2000

In article <k56d5.2080$mL5.81696 at>, Matthew
Cline <matt at> wrote:

> In article <8l1o61$n45$1 at>, John Urberg
> <jurberg at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am working on a project with a couple of other developers and we
>> are all new to scripting languages.  We need to create a build
>> script to build an application that consist of C++ and Java code. 
>> We have some Perl resources in another group, but I would prefer
>> doing it in Python.  I was hoping someone here could point me to
>> some examples of build scripts in Python to get us going quickly.
> So you're doing something that autoconf, automake, configure and so
> forth can't handle?

Urgh, that probably wasn't too useful.  Sorry.

What exactly do you need the script to do?  If you want to compile
files in sub-directories, sub-sub-directories, and so forth, the
standard UNIX make already takes care of that.  If you want to apply
scripts or programs to certain files, then you can have make call
those scripts.  If you want to figure out the configuration of your
computer, like where the JVM is, what version it is, and so on, or to
automatically figure out what "-D" flags you should give to the
compiler, then autoconf and automake will take care of things.

If, after the compile is done, you want to move files around to create
the file tree you'll use for distribution, make can probably do that
as well.

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