[ANN] Python port to Palm Pilot

Blake Winton bwinton at tor.dhs.org
Mon Jul 10 23:22:00 EDT 2000

In comp.lang.python, you wrote:
>I haven't tried either yet.  Can this be downloaded using Linux?  I
>can just barely do pilot-xfer to backup my Palm and could use some
>suggestions on the use of the other Linux pilot-* apps, particularly
>those that will let me download new programs like PalmPython.

If you want any help on the pilot-link programs, just let me know, and
I'll tell you what (little) I know.

The stuff that comes to mind now is 
"pilot-xfer -i filename.prc" installs filename.prc on your Palm.
"pilot-xfer -b backupdir" backs up your entire Palm to a directory.
"pilot-xfer -r backupdir" restores your entire Palm from a directory.

"install-memo filename.txt" copys filename.txt into your memos.
"memos -d spam" copys all the memos from your Palm into a directory.

That's about it for now.  If you have any specific questions, just let
me know, and I'll see what I can do...

10:07pm up 1 day, 11:20, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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