merging numpy's array into python2

Pete Shinners pete at
Tue Jul 18 14:16:38 EDT 2000

i find using the numerical array stuff to be so useful i was
wondering if there are ever plans to implement some of the
package into the standard python release?

specifically, the array object and it's helpful ufuncs would
be great addition to the standard release (imho)

i find it hard to imagine having a great/flexible n-D array
object (that's fast to boot!) wouldn't be helpful in all
pythons uses.

python already has a standard "array" module, but it seems
pretty weak compared to the numpy version.

and the ufuncs work equally well on numpy arrays as well
with standard python sequence objects. want to do an element-
wise add two lists? i find "List1 + List2" much better all
around than "map(lambda x,y: x+y, List1, List2)"
(well, i'm sure we're all aware of how numpy works, :] )

is numeric too much baggage for the standard python release?
are there areas of development where more rigid and quick
arrays wouldn't be beneficial? does the numerical team even
wish to be a part of the standard python, or do they prefer
their own schedule?

to me it seems more useful and a lot less 'specific' than
most of the modules that are a part of the std python release.

(could it make 2.0?)

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