Tkinter and default options

Thomas Svensson thomas_s at
Sun Jul 9 15:37:22 EDT 2000

In article <FPK75.3538$4C4.75025 at>,
"richard_chamberlain" <richard_chamberlain at> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> You can use an option database. If you create a file called optionDB
> with for example the following kind of entries:
> *font:                                Times New Roman
> *Button*foreground            blue


I've tried and it works.. almost. It seems like some options are not read
from the file. For instance I have the following options defined:

*Button*activebackground: green
*Button*activeforeground: yellow
*Button*background: black
*Button*foreground: green
*Button*highlightground: black
*Button*activeforeground: lightgreen
*Button*relief: flat

It works for all but activebackground and activeforeground, they are still
grey. Did I do something wrong or could this be a bug in Tkinter?

Regards, Thomas

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