ANNOUNCE: Visual Python v0.1 for KDE and GNOME

Phil Thompson phil at
Sun Jul 16 12:20:57 EDT 2000

Visual Python is aimed at KDE and GNOME application developers and allows you
to easily embed Python as a GUI enabled scripting language in your application.

It includes KDE and GNOME APIs to manage Python interpreters, scripts and the
communications between running scripts and your application.

Users benefit from a common scripting language allowing them to develop
scripting skills that are re-usable with all their applications. The same
Visual Python script uses KDE widgets when run from a KDE application, and
GNOME widgets when run from a GNOME application.

When used in conjunction with tools like SWIG and SIP to expose application
specific functionality to scripts, developers can provide their users with the
ability to extend their application in many ways.

The Visual Python home page is at


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