Operators for everything (was Re: Operators for matrix)

Huaiyu Zhu hzhu at rocket.knowledgetrack.com
Mon Jul 24 20:53:27 EDT 2000

In comp.lang.python, you wrote:
>That's simply not true. The name of the function is "add". At the
>syntactic level, "@" is an operator that takes three arguments, a left
>operand, a right operand and an operation to apply. It is a
>@add is not an identifier. *add* is the identifier.
>Personally, I think that this proposal is far more palatable then the
>others which add five or more inscrutable multi-character symbols to the
>Python lexicon. This one adds one character -- the meta-operator.

Is this meta operator allowed to be combined with existing operators, or is
it for identifiers only?  If the former, then @+ @- @* @/ etc are also

A related question:

If @add does not need to be hard coded in C, why @+ need so?  If it need to
be hard coded, what does it bring us?

still-confused-ly yr's


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