Top 10 Language Constructs (Phyton)

Manuel Gutierrez Algaba thor at localhost.localdomain
Sun Jul 16 14:09:53 EDT 2000

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000 16:33:29 GMT,tgdeveloper at> wrote:
>For me the top language constructs, in terms of being useful in daily work
>1. dictionaries
>2. lists / tuples
>3. for item in list:
>4. "blah blah %s blah %d blah" % (word, number)
>5. exception handling (try/except/raise etc.)
>6. the fact that data types can be nested (e.g. a dictionary whose key is a
>string and whose value is another dictionary, etc.)
>7. The "traceback" behavior for reporting errors.  This makes debugging easy.

This is are the tops language constructs for me. 

1. self.whatever 

1.5. import whatever

2. The assignation a = b

3. for i in list :

4. return whatever

5. class a(base)

6. dictionaries

7. xrange/range tricks 

8. try/except

9. eval 



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