"always passes by reference"

Grant Edwards nobody at nowhere.nohow
Fri Jul 28 22:13:11 EDT 2000

In article <slrn8o3m9q.1cq.hzhu at rocket.knowledgetrack.com>, Huaiyu Zhu wrote:

>In python there are objects and there are names.  There are operations that
>act on existing objects and those that create new objects.  These have
>nothing to do with mutability, except that for immutable objects, there are
>no operations acting on existing objects.

Looks like a good description to me.

If you're used to thinking in C, I would describe it as

 1) All variables are pointers.
 2) De-referencing is done automatically when you use a variable in any
    context other than as an lvalue.
 3) All parameters are passed by value.
 4) Many/most operations create a new object and return a pointer to it.
 5) Some objects can't be changed after they're created, but some objects
    provide methods you can use to change them.

Does that make sense?    

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Being a BALD HERO
                                  at               is almost as FESTIVE as a
                               visi.com            TATTOOED KNOCKWURST.

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