Whitespace as syntax (was Re: Python Rocks!)

Eaglestone, Robert [NGC:B918:EXCH] eaglesto at americasm01.nt.com
Thu Feb 10 17:25:29 EST 2000

Gordon McMillan wrote:
> fcahoon at my-deja.com wrote:
> And there are many others who decide to try it anyway, and
> then discover their fears [ of whitespace bracketing ] were misfounded.
> It has more to do with the programmer than the so-called
> "issue".
> - Gordon

Hi Gordon,

Here is my problem.

There must be a reason or rationale between 1) the ubiquity 
of bracketed syntax, and 2) Python deliberately omitting it.  
That is: there is a reason Python doesn't use it, and it must 
be a big one or else it just would have used bracketing.  I 
want to know what this compelling reason is!

My assumption is that unless it vastly improves programming
the confusion caused by following a nonstandard syntax isn't
worth the change made.


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