Which GUI?

Gerrit Holl gerrit.holl at pobox.com
Tue Feb 22 16:40:57 EST 2000

<quote name="Fredrik Lundh" date="951153849">
> > The reason you named is the only valid reason I heared for keeping
> > Tkinter so far.
> huh?  so the books, the support, the existing code
> base, the portability, the company backing, plus the
> whole tcl/tk universe, doesn't count as "valid reasons".

They don't - please see below.
> and you think you're capable of putting together an
> *unbiased* gui comparision?

Yes, I do.

> look, I've been programming user interfaces for 20 years.
> if you wanna impress me, stick to facts.

* WxPython is built so close on top of wxWindows, that all
  wxWindows features are directly inherited. It's not needed
  to write wxPython books, because a small tutorial is enough
  to use wxWindows docs and advantages. You do not need to know C++.

* Tkinter is built on Tcl/Tk, but because the bridge between
  Tkinter and Tcl/Tk is too large, Tkinter needs to provide their
  own documentation and advantages.

Short summary:
	* WxPython uses existing code.
	* Tkinter reinvents the wheel.

That's why I strongly prefer wxPython.


Comparison Python GUI's: http://www.nl.linux.org/~gerrit/gui.html
Please comment!

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