Stackless Conspiracy Exposed was:(RE: [Python-Dev] Is Python mo ving too fast?)

Mike Fletcher mfletch at
Sun Aug 27 08:19:54 EDT 2000

Let's be honest, Python isn't ready for toasters or light bulbs until
Stackless is integrated. Of course, maybe Tim (who has admitted during an
earlier interview to being a closet Stackless-o-phile) is just trying to
push the discussion in that direction.  I don't go in for that kind of
subtlety, let's be clear about what's going on:

	Tim won't be satisfied until there's a Python in every toaster.
	Stackless is the only Python with a dream of running in a toaster.
	Tim won't be satisfied until Stackless is part of Python.
	Tim must be a member of the Stackless underground, dedicated to
overthrowing the established order and establishing the true faith
throughout all the lands of Python (save JPython).

	Tim works deep within the multinational mega-corporation of
PythonLabs (which has, through a convoluted series of privatisations and
licensing discussions, replaced our quaisi-governmental system), supposedly
working on the projects sponsored by the benevolent dictator.
	In this position, Tim has gained write access to the CVS tree!
	Stackless is impossible to detect by the normal user, or even the
average developer.
	Tim, a closet rebel, must have sneaked the Stackless code into the
CVS tree undetected by the benevolent dictator.  Were we able to detect it,
we would find it in the beta, but Tim will remain silent for many months on
its inclusion, continuing to work silently to undermine the foundations of
our society, to corrupt the loyal followers of the benevolent dictator,
tricking them into using this tool of the devil, weakening their resolve to
follow the one true path.

Can we allow this?  Can we, the loyal followers of the benevolent dictator,
allow his express orders to be flaunted?  Of course, there is great danger,
this "Tim" has gained great power within the hierarchy.  Any who would speak
up against him will surely find the black-suited PSU shock-troops tramping
through their gardens the next day.

Still, if we are to stop this heresy, we must speak out, we must reject the
beautiful, elegant, powerful, wonderful, enlightening, flexible, infinitely
useful, commercially critical, socially relevant, magnificent, ecstatic
temptations of this Stackless "faith", and turn in this heretic who would
undermine the very foundations of our society.  If this means that we too
must be beheaded for our faltering into one true Faith, well, so be it. It
is a small price to pay to rid our leadership of this Stackless-spreading

Followers of the one true Python, reject the comfort and joy of this false
faith!  Turn all traitors into your local block captain, hunt them down in
the packages with print statements, throw out your secret caches of
micro-threads, abandon your co-routines, burn the pernicious continuations
you grew in a hydroponic __init__ method!  The followers of Stackless cannot
be allowed to roam free with access to the CVS tree!

Where, oh where, are the champions of stackness in this hour of need? Arise,
those who would stamp out this spreading epidemic that threatens to unleash
Python on the embedded world!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Peters [mailto:tim_one at]
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 7:14 AM
> To: python-list at; python-dev at
> Subject: RE: [Python-Dev] Is Python moving too fast? (was Re: 
> Is python
> commercializationazing? ...)
>language per se.  I won't be happy until there's a Python in every toaster
>although-*perhaps*-light-bulbs-don't-really-need-it-ly y'rs  - tim

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