Can I do this faster?

Niklas Frykholm r2d2 at
Wed Aug 9 04:46:22 EDT 2000

In article <3990FBCE.ED3458D8 at>, Horst Gassner wrote:

>The following code is executed very often in my program and I would be
>happy if someone could help me to speed this up.
>def __GetRowID (s, row):
>	for key in s.__rowDict.keys():
>		if s.__rowDict[key]['data'] == row:
>			return key

Is the data in the rows static? In that case I would create an inverse
lookup table

def __CreateLookupTable(s):
	s.__lookup = {}
	for key in s.__rowDict.keys():
		s.__lookup[s.__rowDict[key]['data']] = key

Run this once somewhere in your program. Now you can do

def __GetRowID (s,row):
	return s.__lookup[row]

// Niklas

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