
Bernhard Herzog herzog at online.de
Mon Aug 21 17:33:13 EDT 2000

Others have answered your question and I don't have to add anyting to
that, so I'll pick the remaining nit:

"Larry Whitley" <ldw at us.ibm.com> writes:

> myList = []
> for i in range( 10 ):
>     myList.append( functionA(), funcationB(), functionC(), functionD(),
> functionE() )

>From Python 1.6 on the list's append method will only accept exactly one
argument, so this will produce a TypeError. 

That it works now, despite being undocument, is a leftover from very
early Python which had a different way to call C-methods.

Bernhard Herzog   | Sketch, a drawing program for Unix
herzog at online.de  | http://sketch.sourceforge.net/

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