Getting the reference count

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sun Aug 27 06:19:01 EDT 2000

> Is it possible to get the reference count of a PyObject* object?
> I'm surre it must be, but I can't see it documented anywhere.
> Something similar to Perl's SvREFCNT() Macro would be great.

All Python objects share a common format "at the start", including space for
the refcount, and the few places refcounts are looked at raw simply
reference the ob_refcnt field directly.  For example,

    assert(v->ob_refcnt == 1);

Note that incrementing or decrementing refcounts should always be done via
the macros defined for those purposes in object.h; it's rare to do anything
else with the refcounts.

omnipresent-yet-rarely-seen-ly y'rs  - tim

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