Linkage Error - bad class loader (JPython)

Christian Laflamme christian.laflamme at
Tue Aug 29 13:57:49 EDT 2000


    I'm currently working with JPyton and I'm experiencing some problems.
It looks like a bug but I'm not sure.

I have a main script which imports a few modules (some of them I created).
If the $py.class files corresponding with the modules that are imported
don't exist, a LinkageError is raised.  I just have to launch my main script
again, JPython creates the missing files (classes).  It always works the
second time but it's really annoying.

Please note that I'm using JPython embed in my Java application.  It's a
problem that doesn't occur if the script is launched from the command prompt
(Win NT) .

If you experienced this problem as well or know what is going on, please let
me know.

Thanks in advance,

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