tabs AND spaces to indent standard libs??

G. David Kuhlman dkuhlman at
Wed Aug 9 20:45:15 EDT 2000

Let me also get behind this criticism.

I try to encourage people to use python.  I have hope that I can
explain consistent tab usage.  In fact, I love python's use of
indenting instead of begin/end brackets.  However, explaining and
justifying inconsistent usage is beyond me.

Anything that does not pass the "python -t" test should be fixed. 

D:\Python\Python-1.5.2\Lib>python -t inconsistent tab/space usage
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 883, in ?
    file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'Mail/inbox/1')
  File "d:\stinstall\lib\", line 247, in __getitem__
KeyError: HOME

  - Dave

> The only reason I can think of for doing it the way it was done, is so
> that people can dump it to the screen without each line of code
> indenting 8 characters.  If that was the case, I still don't think it
> makes up for the mess it creates when people try to cut and paste the
> code into their apps...

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