ANN: Clifford Algebras in Python

kern at kern at
Fri Aug 25 20:43:28 EDT 2000

Hello all three of you who would care about this module!

At long last, I felt confident enough in my understanding of 
Geometric (Clifford) Algebras to code up an implementation in 
Python (gracefully assisted by NumPy) which I call pyCA.  
(Note: this is numerical, not symbolic.)

The documentation strings are fairly complete (read: I was too 
lazy to write more documentation without a good reason).  pyCA 
is a fairly general framework for doing work in geometric algebras.  
It's not especially fast for large numbers of computations or 
efficient for many multivectors.  It also concedes to Python's 
operator precedence.  I plan to add modules over the framework 
to implement a convenient shell and implement specific algebras 
and subalgebras (3D Euclidean, quaternions, STA, PGA, etc.).

Well, have fun with the code below.  I'll place it on the Starship 
once I get around to getting my account re-activated.

Apologies for the line-breaks.

pyCA 0.5 -- Geometric Algebra for Python
Robert Kern
kern at

This module implements geometric algebras (a.k.a. Clifford algebras).
For the uninitiated, a geometric algebra is an algebra of vectors of
given dimensions and signature. The familiar inner (dot) product and the 
outer product, a generalized relative of the three-dimensional cross 
product are unified in an invertible geometric product.  Scalars, vectors,
and higher-grade entities can be mixed freely and consistently in the
form of mixed-grade multivectors.

For more information, see the Cambridge Clifford Algebras website:
and David Hestenes' website:

This implementation is inspired by Christian Perwass' XGAlib, a C++
library for GA.  Although there is practically no code shared with
that LGPLed library, I have still obtained permission from Mr. Perwass
to release this code into the public domain.  In addition, I have
obtained permission from James Lehmann to use a snippet of his code 
posted on comp.lang.python .  Thus:

I hereby release this code into the PUBLIC DOMAIN AS IS.  There is no
support, warranty, or guarantee.  I will gladly accept comments, bug 
reports, and patches, however.

Two classes, Layout and MultiVector, and several helper functions are 
provided to implement the algebras.

Helper Functions

  Cl(p, q=0, names=None, firstIdx=0) -- generates the geometric algebra 
      Cl_p,q and returns the appropriate Layout and dictionary of basis 
      element names to their MultiVector instances.

  bases(layout) -- returns the dictionary of basis element names: instances
      as above

  randomMV(layout, grades=None) -- random MultiVector using layout.  If 
      grades is a sequence of integrers, only those grades will be non-zero
  pretty() -- set repr() to pretty-print MultiVectors

  ugly() -- set repr() to return eval-able strings

  eps(newEps) -- set _eps, the epsilon for comparisons and zero-testing


 * Due to Python's order of operations, the bit operators & ^ << follow
   the normal arithmetic operators + - * /, so 

     1^e0 + 2^e1  !=  (1^e0) + (2^e1)
   as is probably intended.  Additionally (comments on this pun will be 
   summarily ignored),

     M = MultiVector(layout2D)  # null multivector
     M << 1^e0 << 2^e1 == 10.0^e1 + 1.0^e01
     M == 1.0
     e0 == 2 + 1^e0

   as is definitely not intended.  However,
     M = MultiVector(layout2D)
     M << (2^e0) << e1 << (3^e01) == M == 2^e0 + 1^e1 + 3^e01
     e0 == 1^e0
     e1 == 1^e1
     e01 == 1^e01
   A shell that reorders the operators and adds a few conveniences is in 
   the works.
 * Since * is the inner product and the inner product with a scalar 
   vanishes by definition, an expression like 

     1*e0 + 2*e1
   is null.  Use the outer product or full geometric product, to 
   multiply scalars with MultiVectors.  This can cause problems if
   one has code that mixes Python numbers and MultiVectors.  If the
   code multiplies two values that can each be either type without
   checking, one can run into problems as "1 & 2" has a very different
   result from the same multiplication with scalar MultiVectors.

 * If the LinearAlgebra module from the NumPy distribution is available,
   taking the inverse of a MultiVector will use a method proposed by
   Christian Perwass that involves the solution of a matrix equation.
   A description of that method follows:

   Representing multivectors as 2**dims vectors (in the matrix sense),
   we can carry out the geometric product with a multiplication table.
   In pseudo-tensorish language (using summation notation):

     m_i * g_ijk * n_k = v_j
   Suppose m_i are known (M is the vector we are taking the inverse of),
   the g_ijk have been computed for this algebra, and v_j = 1 if the 
   j'th element is the scalar element and 0 otherwise, we can compute the
   dot product m_i * g_ijk.  This yields a rank-2 matrix.  We can
   then use well-established computational linear algebra techniques
   to solve this matrix equation for n_k.  The laInv method does precisely

   The usual, analytic, method for computing inverses [M**-1 = ~M/(M&~M) iff
   M&~M == |M|**2] fails for those multivectors where M&~M is not a scalar.
   It is only used if the inv method is manually set to point to normalInv 
   or the module LinearAlgebra from NumPy is not available.

   My testing suggests that laInv works.  In the cases where normalInv works,
   laInv returns the same result (within _eps).  In all cases, 
   M & M.laInv() == 1.0 (within _eps).  Use whichever you feel comfortable 

 * The basis vectors of any algebra will be orthonormal unless you supply
   your own multiplication tables (which you are free to do after 
   the Layout constructor is called).  A derived class is in preparation
   that will calculate these tables for you (and include methods for 
   generating reciprocal bases and the like).  I would greatly appreciate
   help on the algorithm to generate these tables from an arbitrary 
   bilinear form.

 * No care is taken to preserve the typecode of the arrays.  The purpose 
   of this module is pedagogical.  If your application requires so many
   multivectors that storage becomes important, the class structure here
   is unsuitable for you anyways.  Instead, use the algorithms from this
   module and implement application-specific data structures.

 * Conversely, explicit typecasting is rare.  MultiVectors will have
   integer coefficients if you instantiate them that way.  Dividing them
   by Python integers will have the same consequences as normal integer
   division.  Public outcry will convince me to add the explicit casts
   if this becomes a problem.
 * The way I make variables of the bases is by .update()'ing the global
   (or local for functions) namespace dictionary.  I use a convenient
   function for that in the global case.  I have not included it here
   as I don't want to canonize something that is, well, let's face it, 
   evil.  But it's a venial kind of evil, so do it anyways.

 * Integration with PyOpenGL for some kick-ass demonstrations are left
   as an exercise for the reader.
Happy hacking!
Robert Kern
kern at

import Numeric
import types
import operator
import math

from Numeric import pi, e

    import LinearAlgebra
    LA = LinearAlgebra
except ImportError:
    LA = None

_eps = 1e-15  # float epsilon for float comparisons
_pretty = 0   # pretty-print global

class Layout:
Layout stores information regarding the geometric algebra itself and 
the internal representation of multivectors.  It is constructed like this:

  Layout(signature, bladeList, firstIdx=0, names=None)

The arguments to be passed are interpreted as follows:

  signature -- the signature of the vector space.  This should be
      a list of positive and negative numbers where the sign determines
      the sign of the inner product of the corresponding vector with itself.
      The values are irrelevant except for sign.  This list also determines
      the dimensionality of the vectors.  Signatures with zeroes are not
      permitted at this time.
        signature = [+1, -1, -1, -1]  # Hestenes', et al. Space-Time Algebra
        signature = [+1, +1, +1]      # 3-D Euclidean signature
  bladeList -- list of tuples corresponding to the blades in the whole 
      algebra.  This list determines the order of coefficients in the 
      internal representation of multivectors.  The entry for the scalar
      must be an empty tuple, and the entries for grade-1 vectors must be
      singleton tuples.  Remember, the length of the list will be 2**dims.

        bladeList = [(), (0,), (1,), (0,1)]  # 2-D
  firstIdx -- the index of the first vector.  That is, some systems number
      the base vectors starting with 0, some with 1.  Choose by passing
      the correct number as firstIdx.  0 is the default.
  names -- list of names of each blade.  When pretty-printing multivectors,
      use these symbols for the blades.  names should be in the same order
      as bladeList.  You may use an empty string for scalars.  By default,
      the name for each non-scalar blade is 'e' plus the indices of the blade
      as given in bladeList.

        names = ['', 's0', 's1', 'i']  # 2-D

Layout's Members:

  dims -- dimensionality of vectors (== len(signature))

  sig -- normalized signature (i.e. all values are +1 or -1)

  firstIdx -- starting point for vector indices

  bladeList -- list of blades

  gradeList -- corresponding list of the grades of each blade

  gaDims -- 2**dims

  names -- pretty-printing symbols for the blades

  even -- dictionary of even permutations of blades to the canonical blades

  odd -- dictionary of odd permutations of blades to the canonical blades

  gmt -- multiplication table for geometric product [1]

  imt -- multiplication table for inner product [1]

  omt -- multiplication table for outer product [1]

[1] The multiplication tables are NumPy arrays of rank 3 with indices like 
    the tensor g_ijk discussed above.

    def __init__(self, sig, bladeList, firstIdx=0, names=None):
        self.dims = len(sig)
        self.sig = Numeric.divide(sig,
        self.firstIdx = firstIdx

        self.bladeList = map(tuple, bladeList)
        self.gaDims = len(self.bladeList)
        self.gradeList = map(len, self.bladeList)

        if names is None:
            e = 'e'
            self.names = []
            for i in range(self.gaDims):
                if self.gradeList[i] > 1:
                    self.names.append(e + str(Numeric.add.reduce(map(str, self.bladeList[i]))))
                elif self.gradeList[i] == 1:
                    self.names.append(e + str(self.bladeList[i][0]))
        elif len(names) == self.gaDims:
            self.names = names
            raise ValueError, "names list of length %i needs to be of length %i" % \
                               (len(names), self.gaDims)


    def __repr__(self):
        s = "Layout(%s, %s, firstIdx=%s, names=%s)" % (list(self.sig),
        return s

    def _sign(self, seq, orig):
        """Determine {even,odd}-ness of permutation seq or orig.

        Returns 1 if even; -1 if odd.

        sign = 1
        seq = list(seq)

        for i in range(len(seq)):
            if seq[i] != orig[i]:
                j = seq.index(orig[i])
                sign = -sign
                seq[i], seq[j] = seq[j], seq[i]
        return sign

    def _containsDups(self, list):
        "Checks if list contains duplicates."
        for k in list:
            if list.count(k) != 1:
                return 1
        return 0

    def _genEvenOdd(self):
        "Create mappings of even and odd permutations to their canonical blades."
        self.even = {}
        self.odd = {}

        class NoMorePermutations(StandardError):

        for i in range(self.gaDims):
            blade = self.bladeList[i]
            grade = self.gradeList[i]

            if grade in (0, 1):
                # handled easy cases
                self.even[blade] = blade
            elif grade == 2:
                # another easy case
                self.even[blade] = blade
                self.odd[(blade[1], blade[0])] = blade
                # general case, lifted from released on 
                # comp.lang.python by James Lehmann.
                idx = range(grade)
                    for i in range(Numeric.multiply.reduce(range(1, grade+1))):
                        # grade! permutations

                        done = 0
                        j = grade - 1

                        while not done:
                            idx[j] = idx[j] + 1

                            while idx[j] == grade:
                                idx[j] = 0
                                j = j - 1
                                idx[j] = idx[j] + 1

                                if j == -1:
                                    raise NoMorePermutations()
                            j = grade - 1

                            if not self._containsDups(idx):
                                done = 1
                        perm = []

                        for k in idx:
                        perm = tuple(perm)
                        if self._sign(perm, blade) == 1:
                            self.even[perm] = blade
                            self.odd[perm] = blade

                except NoMorePermutations:

                self.even[blade] = blade

    def _checkList(self):
        "Ensure validity of arguments."

        # check for uniqueness
        for blade in self.bladeList:
            if self.bladeList.count(blade) != 1:
                raise ValueError, "blades not unique"

        # check for right dimensionality
        if len(self.bladeList) != 2**self.dims:
            raise ValueError, "incorrect number of blades"

        # check for valid ranges of indices
        valid =  range(self.firstIdx, self.firstIdx+self.dims)
            for blade in self.bladeList:
                for idx in blade:
                    if (idx not in valid) or (list(blade).count(idx) != 1):
                        raise ValueError
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise ValueError, "invalid bladeList; must be a list of tuples"
    def _gmtElement(self, a, b):
        "Returns the element of the geometric multiplication table given blades a, b."
        mul = 1         # multiplier

        newBlade = list(a) + list(b)

        unique = 0
        while unique == 0:
            for i in range(len(newBlade)):
                if newBlade.count(newBlade[i]) != 1:
                    delta = newBlade[i+1:].index(newBlade[i])
                    eo = 1 - 2*(delta % 2)
                    # eo == 1 if the elements are an even number of flips away
                    # eo == -1 otherwise
                    del newBlade[i+delta+1]
                    del newBlade[i]
                    mul = eo * mul * self.sig[a[i] - self.firstIdx]
                unique = 1
        newBlade = tuple(newBlade)
        if newBlade in self.bladeList:
            idx = self.bladeList.index(newBlade)
            # index of the product blade in the bladeList
        elif newBlade in self.even.keys():
            # even permutation
            idx = self.bladeList.index(self.even[newBlade])
            # odd permutation
            idx = self.bladeList.index(self.odd[newBlade])
            mul = -mul
        element = Numeric.zeros((self.gaDims,), Numeric.Int)
        element[idx] = mul

        return element, idx
    def _genTables(self):
        "Generate the multiplication tables."
        # geometric multiplication table
        gmt = Numeric.zeros((self.gaDims, self.gaDims, self.gaDims), 
        # inner product table
        imt = Numeric.zeros((self.gaDims, self.gaDims, self.gaDims),

        # outer product table
        omt = Numeric.zeros((self.gaDims, self.gaDims, self.gaDims),

        for i in range(self.gaDims):
            for j in range(self.gaDims):
                gmt[i,:,j], idx = self._gmtElement(list(self.bladeList[i]), 

                if self.gradeList[idx] == abs(self.gradeList[i] - self.gradeList[j]) and \
                   self.gradeList[i] != 0 and self.gradeList[j] != 0:
                    # A_r . B_s = <A_r B_s>_|r-s|
                    # if r,s != 0
                    imt[i,:,j] = gmt[i,:,j]

                if self.gradeList[idx] == (self.gradeList[i] + self.gradeList[j]):

                    # A_r ^ B_s = <A_r B_s>_|r+s|
                    omt[i,:,j] = gmt[i,:,j]
        self.gmt = gmt
        self.imt = imt
        self.omt = omt

    def pseudoScalar(self):
        "Returns a MultiVector that is the pseudoscalar of this space."

        psIdx = self.gradeList.index(self.dims)  
        # pick out out blade with grade equal to dims
        pScalar = MultiVector(self)
        pScalar.value[psIdx] = 1

        return pScalar
    def invPS(self):
        "Returns the inverse of the pseudoscalar of the algebra."

        ps = self.pseudoScalar()

        return ps.inv()

class MultiVector:
The elements of the algebras, the multivectors, are implemented in the 
MultiVector class.  It has the following constructor:

  MultiVector(layout, value=None)

The meaning of the arguments is as follows:

  layout -- instance of Layout

  value -- a sequence, of length layout.gaDims, of coefficients of the base

MultiVector's Members

  layout -- instance of Layout

  value -- a NumPy array, of length layout.gaDims, of coefficients of the base

MultiVector's Public Methods

  __and__, __rand__ -- geometric product.  M & N

  __xor__, __rxor__ -- outer product.  M ^ N

  __mul__, __rmul__ -- inner product.  M * N

  __add__, __radd__ -- addition.  M + N

  __sub__, __rsub__ -- subtraction.  M - N

  __div__, __rdiv__ -- division.  M / N <==> M & (N.inv())

  __pow__ -- exponentiation of a multivector by an integer.  M ** n

  __rpow__ -- exponentiation of a scalar by a multivector.  x ** M

  __lshift__ -- in-place addition.  M << N
                Adds N to M, modifying M and returning M.
  mag2() -- magnitude squared.  (M & ~M)[()] == |M|**2
  __abs__ -- magnitude.  abs(M) == |M|

  adjoint(), __invert__ -- adjoint/reversion.  ~M

  __int__, __long__, __float__ -- cast to scalar Python number iff only the
                                  multivector's scalar coefficient is non-zero
  __getitem__, __setitem__ -- get/set coefficient to/from a Python number.
                              Item can be an index into self.value or a 
                              blade (or a permutation of a blade).
  __delitem__ -- sets coefficient of item (same rules as above) to 0

  __getslice__ -- returns a new MultiVector with only the selected slice 
  __setslice__ -- sets the slice of self.value to a value or values

  __delslice__ -- sets the slice of self.value to 0

  __call__ -- projects multivector onto the specified grade.  M(grade)

  __cmp__ -- returns 0 if the multivectors' coefficients are each equal to 
             within epsilon.  Otherwise, returns a well-defined, but 
             meaningless, ordering.

  __str__ -- pretty-printed representation

  __repr__ -- ugly, but eval-able by default, but pretty if global variable 
              _pretty is true

  isScalar() -- returns 1 if multivector is a scalar

  isBlade() -- returns 1 if multivector is a blade

  grades() -- returns the grades contained in the multivector

  normalInv() -- multivector inverse iff (M & ~M) == |M|**2.  ~M/|M|**2

  laInv() -- experimental, more general inverse using computational 
             linear algebra to solve for the inverse.

  inv() -- one of normalInv or laInv.  By default, inv is laInv if the 
           LinearAlgebra module is available, normalInv otherwise.

  dual() -- returns the dual of the multivector

  commutator(other) -- returns the commutator of two multivectors

  join(other) -- returns the join of two blades if it exists

  meet(other, subspace=None) -- returns the meet of two blades wrt some 
        subspace which defaults to the pseudoscalar

  gradeInvol() -- returns the grade involution of the multivector

  conjugate() -- returns the Clifford conjugate of the multivector


    def __init__(self, layout, value=None):

        MultiVector(layout, value=None) --> MultiVector
        self.layout = layout

        if value is None:
            self.value = Numeric.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,), Numeric.Float)
            self.value = Numeric.array(value)
            if self.value.shape != (self.layout.gaDims,):
                raise ValueError, "value must be a sequence of length %s" % self.layout.gaDims

    def _checkOther(self, other, coerce=1):
        """Ensure that the other argument has the same Layout or coerce value if 
        _checkOther(other, coerce=1) --> newOther, isMultiVector

        if type(other) in (types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.LongType):
            if coerce:
                # numeric scalar
                newOther = MultiVector(self.layout)
                newOther[()] = other
                return newOther, 1
                return other, 0

        elif isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
             other.layout is not self.layout:
            raise ValueError, "cannot operate on MultiVectors with different Layouts"

        return other, 1

    ## numeric special methods
    # binary
    def __and__(self, other):
        """Geometric product
        M & N --> MN
        __and__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0)
        if mv:
            newValue =,,
            newValue = other * self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    def __rand__(self, other):
        """Right-hand geometric product
        N & M --> NM
        __rand__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0)

        if mv:
            newValue =,,
            newValue = other * self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    def __xor__(self, other):
        """Outer product
        M ^ N
        __xor__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0)

        if mv:
            newValue =,,
            newValue = other * self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    def __rxor__(self, other):
        """Right-hand outer product
        N ^ M
        __rxor__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0)

        if mv:
            newValue =,,
            newValue = other * self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        """Inner product
        M * N
        __mul__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)

        if mv:
            newValue =,,
            return MultiVector(self.layout)  # l * M = M * l = 0 for scalar l

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    __rmul__ = __mul__
    def __add__(self, other):
        M + N
        __add__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)
        newValue = self.value + other.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    __radd__ = __add__

    def __sub__(self, other):
        M - N
        __sub__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)
        newValue = self.value - other.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        """Right-hand subtraction
        N - M
        __rsub__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)
        newValue = other.value - self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)
    def __div__(self, other):
        M / N --> M & N
        __div__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other, coerce=0)
        if mv:
            return self & other.inv()
            newValue = self.value / other
            return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        """Right-hand division
        N / M --> N & M
        __rdiv__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)

        return other & self.inv()

    def __pow__(self, other):
        """Exponentiation of a multivector by an integer
        M ** n --> M
        __pow__(other) --> MultiVector
        if type(other) not in (types.IntType, types.FloatType):
            raise ValueError, "exponent must be a Python Int or Float"
        if abs(round(other) - other) > _eps:
            raise ValueError, "exponent must have no fractional part"

        other = int(round(other))

        newMV = MultiVector(self.layout, list(self.value))

        for i in range(1, other):
            newMV = newMV & self

        return newMV

    def __rpow__(self, other):
        """Exponentiation of a real by a multivector
        r**M --> r
        __rpow__(other) --> MultiVector

        # check that other is a Python number, not a MultiVector
        if type(other) not in (types.IntType, types.FloatType, types.LongType):
            raise ValueError, "base must be a Python number"

        intMV = math.log(other) & self
        # pow(x, y) == exp(y & log(x))

        newMV = MultiVector(self.layout)  # null

        nextTerm = MultiVector(self.layout)
        nextTerm[()] = 1  # order 0 term of exp(x) Taylor expansion

        n = 1

        while nextTerm != 0:
            # iterate until the added term is within _eps of 0
            newMV << nextTerm
            nextTerm = nextTerm & intMV / n
            n = n + 1
            # squeeze out that extra little bit of accuracy
            newMV << nextTerm

        return newMV
    def __lshift__(self, other):
        """In-place addition
        M << N --> M + N
        __lshift__(other) --> MultiVector
        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)
        self.value = self.value + other.value

        return self
    # unary

    def __neg__(self):
        __neg__() --> MultiVector
        newValue = -self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    def __pos__(self):
        """Positive (just a copy)

        __pos__(self) --> MultiVector
        newValue = self.value + 0  # copy

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    def mag2(self):
        """Magnitude (modulus) squared
        mag2() --> PyFloat | PyInt

        return (~self & self)[()]

    def __abs__(self):
        """Magnitude (modulus)
        abs(M) --> |M|
        __abs__() --> PyFloat
        return Numeric.sqrt(self.mag2())

    def adjoint(self):
        """Adjoint / reversion
        ~M --> M (any one of several conflicting notations)
        ~(N & M) --> ~M & ~N
        adjoint() --> MultiVector
        # The multivector created by reversing all multiplications

        newMV = MultiVector(self.layout)

        grades = Numeric.array(self.layout.gradeList)
        signs = Numeric.power(-1, grades*(grades-1)/2)

        newMV.value = signs * self.value
        return newMV

    __invert__ = adjoint

    # builtin

    def __int__(self):
        """Coerce to an integer iff scalar.

        __int__() --> PyInt
        return int(self.__float__())

    def __long__(self):
        """Coerce to a long iff scalar.

        __long__() --> PyLong
        return long(self.__float__())
    def __float__(self):
        """"Coerce to a float iff scalar.

        __float__() --> PyFloat

        if self.isScalar():
            return float(self[()])
            raise ValueError, "non-scalar coefficients are non-zero"

    ## sequence special methods

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns length of value array.
        __len__() --> PyInt
        return self.layout.gaDims

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0,1) or (1,3)), then return
        the (real) value of that blade's coefficient.
        Otherwise, treat key as an index into the list of coefficients.
        M[blade] --> PyFloat | PyInt
        M[index] --> PyFloat | PyInt
        __getitem__(key) --> PyFloat | PyInt
        if key in self.layout.bladeList:
            return self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(key)]
        elif key in self.layout.even.keys():
            return self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.even[key])]
        elif key in self.layout.odd.keys():
            return -self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.odd[key])]
            return self.value[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """If key is a blade tuple (e.g. (0,1) or (1,3)), then set
        the (real) value of that blade's coeficient.
        Otherwise treat key as an index into the list of coefficients.

        M[blade] = PyFloat | PyInt
        M[index] = PyFloat | PyInt
        __setitem__(key, value)
        if key in self.layout.bladeList:
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(key)] = value
        elif key in self.layout.even.keys():
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.even[key])] = value
        elif key in self.layout.odd.keys():
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.odd[key])] = -value
            self.value[key] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Set the selected coefficient to 0.
        del M[blade]
        del M[index]
        if key in self.layout.bladeList:
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(key)] = 0
        elif key in self.layout.even.keys():
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.even[key])] = 0
        elif key in self.layout.odd.keys():
            self.value[self.layout.bladeList.index(self.layout.odd[key])] = 0
            self.value[key] = 0

    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
        """Return a copy with only the slice non-zero.
        __getslice__(i, j) --> MultiVector
        newMV = MultiVector(self.layout)
        newMV.value[i:j] = self.value[i:j]

        return newMV

    def __setslice__(self, i, j, sequence):
        """Paste a sequence into coefficients array.
        M[i:j] = sequence
        __setslice__(i, j, sequence)
        self.value[i:j] = sequence

    def __delslice__(self, i, j):
        """Set slice to zeros.
        del M[i:j]
        __delslice__(i, j)
        self.value[i:j] = 0

    ## grade projection

    def __call__(self, grade):
        """Return a new multi-vector projected onto the specified grade.

        M(grade) --> <M>
        __call__(grade) --> MultiVector
        if grade not in self.layout.gradeList:
            raise ValueError, "algebra does not have grade %s" % grade
        if type(grade) is not types.IntType:
            raise ValueError, "grade must be an integer"

        mask = Numeric.equal(grade, self.layout.gradeList)

        newValue = Numeric.multiply(mask, self.value)

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    ## fundamental special methods

    def __str__(self):
        """Return pretty-printed representation.

        __str__() --> PyString
        s = ''
        for i in range(self.layout.gaDims):
            # if we have nothing yet, don't use + and - as operators but
            # use - as an unary prefix if necessary
            if s:
                seps = (' + ', ' - ')
                seps = ('', '-')
            if self.layout.gradeList[i] == 0:
                # scalar
                if abs(self.value[i]) >= _eps:
                    if self.value[i] > 0:
                        s = '%s%s%s' % (s, seps[0], self.value[i])
                        s = '%s%s%s' % (s, seps[1], -self.value[i])
                if abs(self.value[i]) >= _eps:
                    # not a scalar
                    if self.value[i] > 0:
                        s = '%s%s%s^%s' % (s, seps[0], self.value[i], 
                        s = '%s%s%s^%s' % (s, seps[1], -self.value[i], 
        if s:
            # non-zero
            return s
            # return scalar 0
            return '0'
    def __repr__(self):
        """Return eval-able representation if global _pretty is false.  
        Otherwise, return str(self).

        __repr__() --> PyString
        if _pretty:
            return self.__str__()

        s = "MultiVector(%s, value=%s)" % \
             (repr(self.layout), list(self.value))
        return s

    def __nonzero__(self):
        """Instance is nonzero iff at least one of the coefficients 
        is nonzero.
        __nonzero() --> Boolean

        nonzeroes = Numeric.greater(Numeric.absolute(self.value), _eps)

        if nonzeroes:
            return 1
            return 0

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        """Compares two multivectors.

        This is mostly defined for equality testing (within epsilon).
        In the case that the two multivectors have different Layouts,
        we will raise an error.  In the case that they are not equal, 
        we will compare the tuple represenations of the coefficients 
        lists just so as to return something valid.  Therefore, 
        inequalities are well-nigh meaningless (since they are 
        meaningless for multivectors while equality is meaningful).  
        Oh, how I wish for rich comparisons.
        M == N
        __cmp__(other) --> -1|0|1

        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)
        if Numeric.alltrue(Numeric.less(Numeric.absolute( \
                self.value - other.value), _eps)):
            # equal within epsilon
            return 0
            return cmp(tuple(self.value), tuple(other.value))

    ## Geometric Algebraic functions

    def isScalar(self):
        """Returns true iff self is a scalar.
        isScalar() --> Boolean

        indices = range(self.layout.gaDims)

        for i in indices:
            if abs(self.value[i]) < _eps:
                return 0

        return 1

    def isBlade(self):
        """Returns true if multivector is a blade.
        isBlade() --> Boolean

        grade = None

        for i in range(self.layout.gaDims):
            if abs(self.value[i]) > _eps:
                if grade is None:
                    grade = self.layout.gradeList[i]
                elif self.layout.gradeList[i] != grade:
                    return 0

        return 1

    def grades(self):
        """Return the grades contained in the multivector.

        grades() --> PyInt"""

        grades = []

        for i in range(self.layout.gaDims):
            if abs(self.value[i]) > _eps and \
               self.layout.gradeList[i] not in grades:

        return grades

    def laInv(self):
        """Return inverse using a computational linear algebra method 
        proposed by Christian Perwass.
        laInv() --> MultiVector
        identity = Numeric.zeros((self.layout.gaDims,))
        identity[self.layout.gradeList.index(0)] = 1

        intermed =, self.layout.gmt)
        intermed = Numeric.transpose(intermed)

        if abs(LA.determinant(intermed)) < _eps:
            raise ValueError, "multivector has no inverse"

        sol = LA.solve_linear_equations(intermed, identity)

        return MultiVector(self.layout, sol)

    def normalInv(self):
        """Returns the inverse of itself if M&~M == |M|**2.
        M   = ~M / (M & ~M)
        normalInv() --> MultiVector

        Madjoint = ~self
        MadjointM = (Madjoint & self)

        if MadjointM.isScalar() and abs(MadjointM[()]) > _eps:
            # inverse exists
            return Madjoint / MadjointM[()]
            raise ValueError, "no inverse exists for this multivector"
    if LA:
        inv = laInv
        inv = normalInv

    def dual(self):
        """Returns the dual of the multivector.

        ~        -1
        M = M * I     where I is the pseudoscalar.
        dual() --> MultiVector
        return self * self.layout.invPS()

    def commutator(self, other):
        """Returns the commutator product of two multivectors.

        [M, N] = M X N = (M&N - N&M)/2
        commutator(other) --> MultiVector

        return ((self & other) - (other & self)) / 2

    def join(self, other):
        """Returns the join of two blades.

        J = M ^ N   iff M, N are blades and M^N != 0
        join(other) --> MultiVector

        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)

        if self.isBlade() and other.isBlade():
            J = self ^ other
            if J:
                return J
                raise ValueError, "join does not exist, blades share common factors"
            raise ValueError, "not blades"

    def meet(self, other, subspace=None):
        """Returns the meet of an r-blade and an s-blade iff r+s >= dims.

        Computation is done with respect to a subspace that defaults to 
        the pseudo scalar if none is given.
        M \/i N = (Mi  ) * N
        meet(other, subspace=None) --> MultiVector

        other, mv = self._checkOther(other)

        r = self.grades()
        s = other.grades()

        if len(r) > 1 or len(s) > 1:
            raise ValueError, "not blades"

        r = r[0]
        s = s[0]

        if subspace is None:
            subspace = self.layout.pseudoScalar()

        dims = subspace.grades()[0]

        if r + s < dims:
            raise ValueError, "r+s < dims; meet not defined"
        elif r + s == dims:
            # special case; M v N == 0
            return MultiVector(self.layout)
            return (self & subspace.inv()) * other

    def gradeInvol(self):
        """Returns the grade involution of the multivector.
         *                    i
        M  = Sum[i, dims, (-1)  <M>  ]
        gradeInvol() --> MultiVector
        signs = Numeric.power(-1, self.layout.gradeList)

        newValue = signs * self.value

        return MultiVector(self.layout, newValue)

    def conjugate(self):
        """Returns the Clifford conjugate (reversion and grade involution).
        M  --> (~M).gradeInvol()
        conjugate() --> MultiVector

        return (~self).gradeInvol()

def comb(n, k):
    Returns /n\\
    comb(n, k) --> PyInt"""

    def fact(n):
        return Numeric.multiply.reduce(range(1, n+1))

    return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n-k))

def elements(dims, firstIdx=0):
    """Return a list of tuples representing all 2**dims of blades
    in a dims-dimensional GA.
    elements(dims, firstIdx=0) --> bladeList"""

    indcs = range(firstIdx, firstIdx + dims)

    blades = [()]

    for k in range(1, dims+1):
        # k = grade

        if k == 1:
            for i in indcs:

        curBladeX = indcs[:k]

        marker = -2
        # curBladeX[marker:] will be replaced with a range each time
        # the final element overflows; you'll see
        for i in range(comb(dims, k)):
            if curBladeX[-1] < firstIdx+dims-1:
                # increment last index
                curBladeX[-1] = curBladeX[-1] + 1

                if curBladeX[marker:] == range(firstIdx+dims+marker, 
                    # decrement marker
                    marker = marker - 1
                    if marker < -k:
                # replace
                curBladeX[marker:] = range(curBladeX[marker]+1, 
                                           curBladeX[marker]+1 - marker)

    return blades            

def Cl(p, q=0, names=None, firstIdx=0):
    """Returns a Layout and basis blades for the geometric algebra Cl_p,q.
    The notation Cl_p,q means that the algebra is p+q dimensional, with
    the first p vectors with positive signature and the final q vectors

    Cl(p, q=0, names=None, firstIdx=0) --> Layout, {'name': basisElement, ...}"""
    sig = [+1]*p + [-1]*q
    bladeList = elements(p+q, firstIdx)
    layout = Layout(sig, bladeList, firstIdx=firstIdx, names=names)
    blades = bases(layout)

    return layout, blades

def bases(layout):
    """Returns a dictionary mapping basis element names to their MultiVector

    bases(layout) --> {'name': baseElement, ...}"""
    dict = {}
    for i in range(layout.gaDims):
        if layout.gradeList[i] != 0:
            v = Numeric.zeros((layout.gaDims,))
            v[i] = 1
            dict[layout.names[i]] = MultiVector(layout, v)
    return dict

def randomMV(layout, min=-2.0, max=2.0, grades=None):
    """Random MultiVector with given layout.
    Coefficients are between min and max, and if grades is a list of integers,
    only those grades will be non-zero.  Uses the RandomArray module.

    randomMV(layout, min=-2.0, max=2.0, grades=None)"""
    from RandomArray import uniform
    if grades is None:
        return MultiVector(layout, uniform(min, max, (layout.gaDims,)))
        newValue = Numeric.zeros((layout.gaDims,)).astype(Numeric.Float)
        for i in range(layout.gaDims):
            if layout.gradeList[i] in grades:
                newValue[i] = uniform(min, max)
        return MultiVector(layout, newValue)

def pretty():
    """Makes repr(M) default to pretty-print.

    global _pretty
    _pretty = 1

def ugly():
    """Makes repr(M) default to eval-able representation.

    global _pretty
    _pretty = 0

def eps(newEps):
    """Set the epsilon for float comparisons.

    global _eps
    _eps = newEps


Robert Kern
kern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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