Newbie Q: Pythin scripting

Ruud de Rooij * at
Fri Aug 4 09:24:58 EDT 2000

"Dave Van den Eynde" <dave at> writes:

> Hello,
> Consider me a newbie, but I have the following problem. When I make a script
> to run under bash, the first line that I make is :
>     #! /usr/bin/python
> but then after trying ./scriptfile bash comes back with "bash: ./scriptfile:
> No such file or directory.". When I do it like this:
>   #! /usr/bin/env python
> like the module does, it comes back with: ": No such file or
> directory"
> I know about chmod u+x, and I know about paths etc. I just can't figure
> this one out.
> Any of you have any ideas?

Try to figure out where the python interpreter is located on your
system, and adjust the path accordingly.

What happens when you simply type `python' on the bash prompt (wihtout 
the quotes, obviously)?

What about `which python' or `locate python' ?

	- Ruud de Rooij.
ruud de rooij | * |

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